'I\'m back with a PASSION for FASHION! This Bratz: Forever Diamondz, a Playstation/Gamecube/DS game based on a children\'s line of dolls. Join Sasha, Cloe, Yasmin, Jade, and ME, and get ready to get pretty! ►New here? Subscribe to ProJared Plays for more girly games! -- http://bit.ly/1oQf8d8 ►Main Channel - http://youtube.com/dmjared ►T-Shirts!! -- http://theyetee.com/projared ►Follow me for instant updates on new videos! Twitter -- http://twitter.com/projared Instagram -- http://instagram.com/projaredgram Twitch - http://twitch.tv/projared ProJared Theme Remix by INDEMAPimp & Waterflame -- https://www.youtube.com/user/indemaPIMP https://www.youtube.com/user/waterflame89'
Tags: PlayStation , dolls , bratz , games for girls , Games For Kids , Sasha , jade , projared plays , bratz dolls , cloe , Yasmin , passion for fashion , bratz forever diamondz , bratz forever diamondz game , bratz forever diamondz gameplay , let's play bratz forever diamondz , bratz gameplay , girly games , gamecube games , bratz magazine
See also: